Sunday, October 29, 2017

literacy assignments

April 30 and May 1_2018

 Assignment for January 11 and 12_2018

The Camera Doesn't Lie


Literacy assignment
“The Camera Doesn’t Lie”

Go to this link:

Read most of the article. You may skip:
“It’s not just about the dynamic range”
“A word on RAW files”

Respond in writing:

1. Who is the author of the text?

2. What is the main idea of the text?

3. List 3 details or phrases that support the main idea

4. What evidence or proof does the writer use to support the main idea? (At least one)

5. What part or parts are confusing and why?

6. List a word or words that you do not know.

7. Based on how the words are used in the text, what do you think they mean?

8. Now look up the definition. Were you correct, close,  or really off?

9. Write one test question if you were giving a test over this text.

2018_For later use_Analyze a photo using the same approach as the above

use after progress reportProfessional Athletes Are Overpaid

Kristen Carolyn Giddens

Have you ever really thought about how much professional athletes are paid? If you look at the numbers, you will be shocked at how much money they are bringing in. Here are the top paid professional athletes from each sport and how much they are paid - per year.
Phil Mickelson: Golf- $50.8 million
Did that make your jaw drop? These numbers are insane. Can you believe someone makes that much money just to play a sport? I understand that players put in hours upon hours of hard work practicing for the games, but should they really make millions of dollars? There are people all over the world struggling just to live a normal life, but the professional athletes live a life of luxury all because they play for a popular team.
Think about this on another aspect. We have people in our world that go out everyday and save the lives of our loved ones, but how much do they get paid? The average salary of a cardiothoracic surgeon is $430,021. Why should they make less money than someone who plays a sport? The same goes for the military. As of 2014, a Sergeant of U.S Military who had two years of experience made $26,172. A sergeant with six years of experience made $32,814. It makes me sick to know that someone who is out fighting for our country gets paid significantly less than someone who simply plays a sport.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not dissing sports in any way, and I do believe professional athletes should get paid; I just don't think they should get paid millions of dollars.
It breaks my heart to know that there are people who can't afford to feed themselves or their children. What hurts even more is to know there are people dying from cancer everyday because there isn't a cure. Why not cut the players' pay and use the money towards finding a cure? We have veterans who are homeless. People who fought for our country and our freedom should not have to face homelessness. They should be our top priority to take care of just like they took care of us. Yet there are Americans who support the ridiculous pay of sports. If you watch a game on TV, attend a game, or simply wear clothing with a number, player, or team written on it, you are supporting this.
We definitely need to get our priorities straight when it comes to salaries. Somebody's life is worth way more than somebody's talent to play a sport.


Instagram is the worst social network for cyber bullying: study


Move over, Facebook, Instagram is now the worst social networking site for cyber bullying.
Ditch the Label, a British anti-bullying nonprofit group, says its investigationrevealed that the photo-sharing site is where youth between 12 and 20 experience cyber bullying the most.
The organization surveyed over 10,000 British teens to measure their experiences with cyberbullying. Seventeen percent of respondents reported being cyber bullied — with 42% saying they were bullied on Instagram. Facebook wasn’t far behind, at 37%, Snapchat was next at 31%. Twitter (9%) and Tumblr (3%) were at the bottom.
“Our theme this year was to explore the impact of technology and digital abuse upon the lives of young people,” says Liam Hackett, Founder and CEO of Ditch the Label.
 “Young people,” Hackett also says in the report, “have a huge disconnect between the things that happen online and reality, with 44% of respondents believing that only things happening offline could be considered as ‘real life.’”
Previous research has placed Facebook as the worst social network for cyber bullying. A 2014 Cox Communications study on online safety — which surveyed 1,301 teens from 13-17 years old — said 39% of teens witnessed bullying on Facebook. Instagram and Twitter were lowest at 22%. The Ditch the Label survey also says that 69% of the participants admitted they have done something abusive toward someone else online, men (16%) more than women (8%).

Online bullying activities include sending screenshots/pictures of someone to others in a group chat in order to laugh at them, trolling others in a game, liking or sharing a post that mocks others or sending nasty messages to someone.
Seventy-one percent of study participants said social networks don’t do enough to prevent cyber bullying. Experts agree.
“We need to better understand the ways in which online and offline lives co-exist today and encourage young people to manage their online interactions safely,” Professor Ian Rivers told Ditch the Label.


Name(s):                                                                                            Block:

What is the title of the text?

Who is the author?

What is the main idea of the text?

List 3 details or phrases that support the main idea.

What evidence does the writer use to prove her idea?

What part or parts are confusing or are not believable?

Do you agree or disagree with this article?

nov 13_17

1. Go to this link

2. List the 10 questions to ask when taking a digital photo

3. Which of these do you think is most important?

nov 6_9

Read and answer questions on answer sheet

Name:                                                                                      Block:

Go to hillwoodphoto2. In the right hand column, under bell work and homework, click on literacy assignments. At  literacy assignments and click the link under nov 6_9.

Refer to the article , "Improve Your Composition by Changing Your Point of View" and answer the following:

1. List 7 ways you can change your point of view

2. What is a macro lens and what does it do differently from a normal lens?

3. When you "shoot tight", you __________________________ __________ ____________________ with the subject.

4. At  item 6. "Take Your Time", click on light painting. Light painting is an imaging technique that uses a ____________ ____________ ___________ to add light to an under-illuminated subject while taking a _____________________exposure photograph.

5. From Summary, list 5 questions to ask yourself before you take a photo.

oct 30_nov 3Photography begins

Read and answer questions on answer sheet

Saturday, October 21, 2017

october 23-27

Check your grades. 
Past due (make up due Wednesday):
•Photo of line
•Photo on computer in documents folder
•Photo opened in Photoshop and converted to black & white
•Sketchbooks with 2 ACT words and sketch of line and geometric shape

Please do not ask for a hall pass other than for restroom. If you do the answer will be no.

Complaints about sound being too loud. I will need to mute sometimes.

Think about extra credit. You can use your phones for photos, but be sure that is what you are using them for. Be able to show someone your work on your phone if they ask. 

Earbuds, headphones, electronic devices and non SSA will be referred.

ACT words:
Oct. 23-27
10/23/2017 expository
10/24/2017 narrative
10/25/2017 composition
10/26/2017 address
10/27/2017 compile

2 words due Friday for PLT, Wednesday for regular classes.

1. Sketch organic shape
2. Sketch texture

Due Friday for PLT, Wednesday for regular classes.

•Photograph geometric shapes
•Load them onto your computer
•Save in your documents folder

If you cannot take photos with your phone, you need to use a classroom camera.

Thursday and Friday in the auditorium:
Read and answer questions on answer sheet

1.1 Demonstrate the use of knowledge and technical skills in at least one specific medium. 
1.3 Create visual art that communicates ideas through the use of media, techniques, and processes.

What I want you to know or do:
1. How to use your phones or a Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) camera to take a photo
2. How to load the photo onto your computer
3. How to save the photo into your documents folder
4. How to open the photo in Photoshop
5. How to use certain Photoshop Tools correctly

If you cannot get photos from your phone to a computer, you need to use our Nikons.

Monday, October 9, 2017

photography_october 16_20

I'm rethinking food and beverages in the classroom

Please do not ask for a hall pass other than for restroom. If you do the answer will be no.

Complaints about sound being too loud. I will need to mute sometimes.

Think about extra credit.

If you did not do this assignment, please do it today.

Bellwork and Homework....revise sketchbooks

ACT words:
Oct. 17_20
19_ Apply

1. Sketch line
2. Sketch geometric shape

If you cannot take photos with your phone, you need to use a classroom camera.

1.1 Demonstrate the use of knowledge and technical skills in at least one specific medium. 
1.3 Create visual art that communicates ideas through the use of media, techniques, and processes.

What I want you to know or do:
1. How to use your phones or a Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) camera to take a photo
2. How to load the photo onto your computer
3. How to save the photo into your documents folder
4. How to open the photo in Photoshop
5. How to use certain Photoshop Tools correctly

If you cannot get photos from your phone to a computer, you need to use our Nikons.

Photograph line

I will check your documents folder on your computer. You should have a closeup photo, a rule of thirds photo, a photo of something on the ground

Take a photo of the assignment described below, load it on your computer, and save it into your documents folder.


1. To eject an SD card from our Macs,
a. Pull it out when you are finished
b. Press the return key and it will be ejected
c. Click and hold on the icon and drag it to the trash. Pull it out before the icon disappears.
d. Click and hold on the icon, drag it to the trash, wait until the icon disappears. Pull it out.

2. The best way to get a photo from your phone on to your computer is,
a. Send yourself an email and attach the photo
b. Use your charger
c. Use the application that pops up when you put the SD card in its slot

Your grade: 100 for having the photo in your documents folder on your computer. Deduction of 20 points for every day it is late.


Sept 28 & 29
Take a photo of something that is only on the ground. Load this on your computer and save it in your documents folder. Convert it to black and white in Photoshop.

So, what should you have in your documents folder on your computer by 8:40?

and remember......
Think about extra credit.

1.1 Demonstrate the use of knowledge and technical skills in at least one specific medium. 
1.3 Create visual art that communicates ideas through the use of media, techniques, and processes.

What I want you to know or do:
1. How to use your phones or a Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) camera to take a photo
2. How to load the photo onto your computer
3. How to save the photo into your documents folder
4. How to open the photo in Photoshop
5. How to use certain Photoshop Tools correctly

Past due:Take a photo that shows that you can apply the rule of thirds to photography. Load this on your computer and save it in your documents folder. Convert it to black and white in Photoshop.

Sketch the rule of thirds and explain how it is applied to a photograph.

Closeup photo directions

the assignment
Using a camera or cell phone, take one or more closeup photos. Place these in your account or a shared account, in a documents folder on your computer. Show me the photos.  


1. Take the photos

2. Get them in the desktop folder. If you use a camera with an SD card, take the card out of the camera and put it in the card reader on the  computer. Copy the photos (drag) onto the desktop.

If you use your phone, there are a number of ways to get the photos onto a Mac. Use the one that's best for you. You will be sending me your photos using gmail and attachments.

making a folder:

3. Eject the SD card before you take it out. On a Mac, the simplest way to do this is by dragging the SD icon to the trash. When the icon disappears, take it out of the SD drive. 


Show me your photos in a folder on your desktop.