Sunday, June 10, 2018

positive negative space

Grades & makeup work

Photos to take this week if you have not: 

•A photo of a geometric shape
•A photo of an organic shape
•A photo of positive and negative space (make this one photo of something for the positive space, with a simple background for the negative)

The negative space is just as important as the positive

In your documents folder, on Thursday or Friday, you should have:

•A closeup photo
•A photo of line
•A photo that shows the rule of thirds
•A photo of a geometric shape
•A photo of an organic shape
•A photo of positive and negative space

ACT words:

nov 13_20

to warrant or deserve

to enroll, as in a course of study or as a voter

to seek information from

to make eligible or competent, as for a job; certify as competent

appearing to merit belief or acceptance


Use Google images if you need to
1. Sketch pattern
2. Sketch dominance

2 words due Friday for PLT, Thursday or Friday for regular classes.

Follow all school rules and expectations, including SSA. Refusal will result in a referral.

Please do not ask for a hall pass other than for restroom. If you do the answer will be no.

Think about extra credit. You can use your phones for photos, but be sure that is what you are using them for. Be able to show someone your work on your phone if they ask. 

If you cannot take photos with your phone, you need to use a classroom camera.

1.1 Demonstrate the use of knowledge and technical skills in at least one specific medium. 
1.3 Create visual art that communicates ideas through the use of media, techniques, and processes.

What I want you to know or do:
1. How to use your phones or a
Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) camera to take a photo

2. How to load the photo onto your computer

3. How to save the photo into your documents folder

4. How to open the photo in Photoshop

5. How to use certain Photoshop Tools correctly

If you cannot get photos from your phone to a computer, you need to use our Nikons.

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