Sunday, April 15, 2018

April 16

Check your grades and let me know if there are errors. 


Last day to take first High Key photo

Finish 9 ACT words this week

No makeups other than these 2 items

Photography 1B

Last day to take first High Key photo

Finish 9 ACT words this week

No makeups other than these 2 items

Photography 3A

Last day to take first High Key photo

Finish 9 ACT words this week

No makeups other than these 2 items

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this information. I was preparing for the law school admission exam and suddenly realized that I am not good at logic games. Either the answers are wrong or I was taking too much time. So I decided to attend the Best LSAT Prep Course so that they can help me excel at this part.
