Tuesday, February 12, 2019

feb 13 and 15_fragmented face photo

Front of assignment sheet
Use back side for more room and continued use

Be sure to fill in every blank correctly. Even if you do not spend any time on an assignments, write in 0 (zero). This will not count against you. What will count against you is leaving a blank empty.

Daily procedures

1. Get assignment sheet and write today's assignment. Grade can be 80 - 100

2.When I am giving instructions,be in a seat

3. When I am giving instructions, electronic devices should be invisible

4. Do not interfere with instructions or disrupt class

5. Turn in your assignment sheet at the end of class.

• Computers, cell phones, and electronic devices are to be used for classwork and school work only.

Do Today:

Turn in progress report documents

1. Finish gradient map photo

Show me these on your computer starting at 8:20

2. Begin fragmented face assignment




1. Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
3. Refine and complete artistic work.

2. Develop and refine artistic work for production.

1. Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to artistic endeavors.
2. Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context.

Learning Objectives:
•Take at least 10 photos of another person’s face (it could be a selfie) from multiple viewpoints.
•Create a black and white (or color) portrait collage using these different viewpoints
•Use Photoshop tools correctly

Same as above 
    •Take at least 10 photos of another person’s face (it could be a selfie) from multiple viewpoints.
    •Create a black and white (or color) portrait collage using these different viewpoints
We will begin this together in Photoshop


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